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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Transparency and the $165.45 million WBSD referendum | By John Donaldson

September 19, 2024 – West Bend, Wi – As we approach election time, we will all be faced with a potential referendum question asking the taxpayers of the West Bend School District to vote on a “$106.25” ($165.45) million referendum.  I am deeply concerned as I believe the current information and how it is laid out and portrayed is inaccurate and misleading, with a lack of transparency of the actual facts and impact on the taxpayers in this District.

Letter to the Editor million

I am not opposed to a referendum for a reasonable and more realistic amount that would go to build a new Jackson Elementary, but I do not support the $165.45 million dollar referendum as it stands.


To me, it seems to be a bail out for the misuse of the current tax burden on our community.


The truth is that the “$106.25” million being asked for will include an estimated interest rate of 4.75% and add an extra $59.2 million making the total more like $165.45 million after interest.


This tax burden is far too much to ask of our already hard-pressed community and will inevitably add $1.02 to the current $4.85 on a home worth $350,000 bringing the total to $171.20 a month instead of the $29.75 as misrepresented in the district fact sheet.  This is not only irresponsible but misleading.


I have asked for the totals to be clearly identified but have been given the excuse that the district is disclosing the information according to policy 615.  We need to demand a clearer picture of what is being asked instead of a seemingly sneaky representation drafted by a lawyer that makes the reality look far less serious than it is.


Through carefully crafted small print and unclear charts, the average person is led to overlook the enormity of this referendum.


I do not support a bail out for this district and have always been skeptical of allowing such a large amount to be asked for.  Such a large amount does not force the tough decisions to only do what’s needed, and instead will allow the district to spend freely to catch up on maintenance that was mismanaged under the current tax burden.


As a taxpayer in this district, I am not in support of this $165,450,000 referendum that will give the district free will to spend as they please without the need to make conservative choices when it comes to making budget decisions on our current buildings.


We need to continue to make progress on improving our students’ education and preparing our youth for the real world.  In my opinion, over-spending only teaches us that money will fix our problems.


This may fix the issues and allow the district to make needed repairs around the district, but this will only force the current spending problem further down the road.  How long do we allow this to continue?  How many future generations do we want to prolong this spending issue in this district?


Every household in the country has had to make adjustments to fit the new inflated economy into their budgets, but the district wants to overburden the already overburdened with a lack of transparency and misrepresentation of information.


Please, I ask of you all to research the referendum and calculate your potential tax increase, then ask yourself if this is an extra increase you want or can afford for the next 15-20 years.


As a member of the school board, I represent my own opinion and do not represent the opinion of the board or any other members.


John Donaldson

West Bend, WI


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