27.4 F
West Bend

Yule Yoga & Spirit Fair is Sunday, December 9

Soul Source special event


West Bend, WI – The Soul Source, LLC and The History Center of Washington County are collaborating to provide the community with an opportunity to get away for the day or a few hours and enjoy shopping, readings, make and take classes, self-care services, caroling, storytelling and great food from Gateway Cafe. It is only $5.00 to enter the event.

Hourly classes on different topics and services are an additional $5 per person and individual readings are a separate cost based upon the amount of time with the reader.

We will also be holding a silent auction to benefit The History Center of Washington County. A few of the items in the auction are a 5-Person Group Reading with Psychic Medium, Jennifer Martin and Home or Land Clearing by Shamanic Practitioner, Catherine Jimenez. A group trip to the tower of the History Center on July 4thwill also be auctioned .

Call Patricia Lutz at 262-335-4678 or Catherine Jimenez at 414-882-1751.

Get away for the day or a few hours to enjoy shopping, readings, make and take classes, meditation, acupuncture, caroling, storytelling and a silent auction which will benefit The History Center of Washington County.

The event is being held on Sunday, Dec. 9 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m at The History Center of Washington County, 320 S. Fifth Avenue, West Bend.

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