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West Bend

Woman arrested for OWI after going to pick up boyfriend with OWI | By Washington Co. Sheriff

February 1, 2024 – Washington Co., WI – A 33-year-old City of West Bend woman was arrested for second offense OWI after she drove to the sheriff’s office to pick up her boyfriend who was arrested for OWI only hours before.


The incident started Wednesday evening at 10:57 p.m. when a Washington County Sheriff’s deputy stopped a vehicle for traveling 58 mph in a 45 mph zone on Hwy P north of Pleasant Valley in the Town of Polk.
The driver, a 29-year-old City of West Bend man, showed signs of impairment and was arrested for OWI third offense. A preliminary breath test revealed a .21 alcohol content. He was turned over to jail staff and held on $850 cash bond.
At 2:03 a.m. the woman, who was in the vehicle during the initial stop, drove to the sheriff’s office to pick up the boyfriend. After being notified by jail staff, a deputy located the woman in the public sheriff’s office jail parking lot.
She advised the deputy she drove from a local tavern to pick up her boyfriend. She also showed signs of impairment and was arrested for second offense OWI. She was turned over to the jail after the arrest.
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