December 8, 2020 – Watertown, WI – What do you prefer to hear, Platitudes or Policy? We have heard enough talk from politicians. Now is the time for action! The fiasco that was our 2020 elections requires investigation into all the possible avenues of voter fraud in Wisconsin, many of which are prevalent all across America and probably coordinated.
Once these avenues are investigated, I am willing to bet that many different scams will be revealed. Once these ballots enter the voting machines, whether they occur on election day or they arrived by envelope, traceability can be lost.
Recounting a fraudulent vote corrects nothing. Many swing states saw unexplained spikes in ballots cast at the last minute. That alone should be a cause for concern.
If elected to the 13th State Senate District in the upcoming 2021 special primary election to replace Congressman-Elect Scott Fitzgerald, I will hit the ground running to draft legislation that will address the many ways unscrupulous people have found to cheat.
The Wisconsin Election Commission had the opportunity to strike over 200,000 names from the voter rolls prior to the election. This is already state law and they have so far failed to do their job! Penalties must accompany any legislation that is passed into law in order to keep these individuals from repeating their dereliction of duty.
Next, we should change our voting system to eliminate mail-in ballots and registration forms. All election business must be conducted directly with the municipal clerks. Any registration forms must remain pending until all presented identification is proven to be valid. Mail-in ballots are the weakest link when it comes to election security. Once the number of votes needed to flip an election is known, ballot stuffing goes into action.
Same day registration is another way people can cheat. Clerks can be overwhelmed the same day as an election and our system of checking the accuracy of the registration is too slow. Therefore, all same day registration ballots should be considered “provisional” and withheld from the voting machines until all information can be proven to be accurate.
People who have checked the “indefinitely confined” box in order to obtain an absentee ballot must have at least two forms of proof and the form should be notarized. One affidavit would be signed by a licensed Doctor of Medicine or psychiatrist that has examined the person and would face a felony charge and loss of license if convicted of falsifying any of the data on the affidavit.
The other proof must come from a close family member or licensed caregiver if a close family member is not available, who would sign a similar affidavit and face similar penalties if convicted.
All absentee ballots and requests must be done in person with the municipal or county clerk. A valid reason must be given to request an absentee ballot and an affidavit signed by the requester with penalties for false information.
Coercion in nursing homes and other elder care facilities cannot be tolerated. Numerous complaints have been noted that clients have been told who to vote for or just sign the envelope and the rest will be taken care of.
Staff and administrators of these facilities must be held accountable for these blatant acts of coercion with severe penalties for proven offenses. It does not matter which party benefits from such actions. All must be discovered and prosecuted which is why witnesses must come forth and observers need to be present during the process.
Law enforcement must also take a more active role in enforcing our election laws and fight those big city budget cuts that have been proposed. This is only the beginning of solutions needed by Wisconsin voters to restore their confidence in our election process.
Don Pridemore
Watertown, WI
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I whole heartedly agree.I also hope that you get elected and do what you said in this letter! Too many people run for office on great ideas like this get elected, then do nothing!
Don was one of the strongest advocates to standing strong during the budget fight in 2011. He fought for constitutional carry when the party didn’t want to. He sought to make your educational dollars personal (rather than tied down to your district whether your kids go there or not) so you could provide your kids an education you want, rather than it being the tough ask it shouldn’t be.
Where others are just talking vaguely and with no specifics or details about how to tackle election fraud, here’s Don Pridemore with several proposals that are entirely feasible that the only real reason to oppose would be to defend fraud.
He advocates for working class guys like me that want to see people get a fair shake. I remember those things. I hope others do too and help him win the 13th Senate primary coming up.