35.2 F
West Bend

Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly at Wednesday, Feb. 12 meeting | By Bernie Newman

Washington Co., WI – Common Sense Citizens of Washington County will host Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly at the Wednesday, February 12 meeting. Justice Kelly is on the February 18 primary election ballot.

Common Sense Citizens

The meeting is at the West Bend Moose Lodge, 1721 Chestnut Street, and will begin at 7 p.m. Any candidates on the February 18 primary ballot, or the April 7 ballot are encouraged to attend the meeting and introduce themselves.

Each candidate will be given five minutes to speak, or if they have been to a prior meeting and already introduced themselves they will be given two minutes.

The Thursday, February 27 meeting will be a discussion with Volunteer Fire Department Chiefs about the state of their Departments in the County.

Thursday, March 26 will include a voter forum with the two West Bend Mayor Candidates. Thursday, April 23 will feature Christian Tscheschlok of Washington County Economic Development.

More voter forums will be announced as they are confirmed. There are not many venues or opportunities to be an informed voter in local elections or on  issues, so I hope you are able to attend these meetings. They are open to the public, so bring your family and friends.

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