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Wisconsin Assembly Education Committee advances 2 School Choice bills | By School Choice Wisconsin Action

Madison, WI – School Choice Wisconsin Action celebrates the Assembly Education Committee’s votes to approve two bills that will benefit property taxpayers, public school districts, and families and schools that participate in Wisconsin’s Parental Choice Programs.


Assembly Bill 900 will remove private choice and independent charter students from the school funding formula and the local property tax levy. Were it in effect today, public school districts would receive an added $293 million in state aid, benefit from $220 million in property tax reductions, and gain $73 million in added revenue limit for all.

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“AB 900 is a win for everyone,” said Nicholas Kelly, president of School Choice Wisconsin. “It will simplify budgeting for public school districts and lower property taxes in every corner of the state.”


The second bill, Assembly Bill 1042, will combine the Milwaukee, Racine, and Wisconsin parental choice programs and simplify their administration for participating schools and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI).

“This bill makes life easier for families, schools, and DPI,” Kelly said. “It removes administrative burdens and extra reports that add no value and increase costs.”

Bill sponsors include Sen. Duey Stroebel and Rep. Jessie Rodriguez. Kelly noted the bill was the product of cooperative efforts of affected schools and DPI.

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