28.3 F
West Bend

Winter street parking regulations for West Bend, Slinger, Kewaskum, and Hartford

Washington Co., WI –  Winter street parking restrictions are currently in effect in Slinger. According to Slinger Police:

The Village of Slinger under municipal ordinance 460-2 has the following restrictions in regards to Winter Parking:

From November 1 to April 15, between the hours of 3 a.m. and 6 a.m., no vehicles shall be parked on any street in the Village of Slinger.

Now that Winter Parking restrictions are going into effect, those who leave their vehicles parked on Village streets or lots overnight may notice courtesy warnings being issued over the next few days. With winter approaching, we ask that everyone please be mindful of the ordinance for the safety of motorists and plow crews.

For additional information, please contact Slinger Police Department at (262) 644-6441.

winter street parking


In Kewaskum, the winter parking restrictions start Dec. 1. The note on the Village’s website reads: WINTER, NO PARKING: From December 1 to April 1  No on street parking between 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM

Hartford’s winter street parking regulations are in effect Dec. 1 – March 31 from 3 a.m. – 6 a.m.

In West Bend winter street parking begins December 1 to April 1 from 11 p.m. to  6 a.m. The basic rule of thumb for street parking is even side of the road on even numbered calendar days and odd side of the street on odd numbered calendar days.

The citation is $20 in West Bend if you are on the wrong side.

Below is the verbiage from the City:


Beginning at 11 p.m. on December 1 and ending at 6 a.m. on April 1, no person shall park in any public street, alley or highway of the City between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. from December 1 to April 1, except that if not otherwise prohibited by this chapter, vehicles may be parked on the streets on the even-numbered side of the street on those nights which at 11 p.m. bear an even calendar date and continue to the following 6 a.m. and on the odd – numbered side of the street on those nights which, at 11 p.m., bear an odd calendar date and continue to the following 6 a.m.


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