30.4 F
West Bend

PHOTO GALLERY | Cleanup underway as strong winds bring down trees/branches across Washington County, WI

September 25, 2022 – Washington Co., WI – Dark clouds and scattered showers had been coming and going across Washington County, WI and right around 6 p.m. the winds kicked in and Mother Nature brought a little excitement to a lazy September Sunday afternoon.

Strong winds pulled the tarp off the corner corn stand on Highway 33 and Silverbrook Drive in West Bend.

The National Weather Service had issued a severe thunderstorm warning for Washington County and neighboring communities. The storm passed through quickly but left a trail of downed trees and branches in its wake.

A tree branch crashed on a house on S. Main Street in West Bend, WI.

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The National Weather Service may be exploring straight-line winds.

Maple Street at Eighth Avenue in West Bend, WI is littered with smaller branches.

What damage do you have in your neighborhood?

A motorists also called and said there were a lot of trees and branches down to the north in the Campbellsport area.

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