26 F
West Bend

Wind chill advisory for Washington County until 9 a.m. Tuesday, February 9

February 9, 2021 – West Bend, WI – It’s days like this when the furnace has been running consistently through the night, the windows are covered in frost, the National Weather Service has issued a wind chill advisory and I miss seeing this guy in shorts on the corner of Main and Decorah.

chucky fellenz, crossing guard

Remember crossing guard Chucky Fellenz?

His wife would shake her head as her little boy would leave the house in a fluorescent lime green jacket, hat and shorts.

“I put my pants away three weeks ago,” Fellenz would say. “I just had a lady roll down her window and yell at me. I hollered back ‘I’m not cold.'”

Fellenz was never gonna let Mother Nature tell him what for.

chucky fellenz, wind chill

Those famous white chicken legs exposed to the elements. Fellenz was the poster boy for every mother’s winter-wardrobe nightmare.

“My wife bought me a pair of heated gloves,” he said. “My ears may get a little cold, but the rest of me is just fine.”

The National Weather Service has issued a wind chill advisory until 9 a.m. Tuesday for Washington County and the surrounding communities.

United Way


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