54.1 F
West Bend

Critical need for wheelchair drivers in Washington County | By Clare Robbe

Washington County, WI – If you have ever had any interest in transporting wheelchair clients and would like to love, serve and give in our community, Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County has the perfect position for you.


No experience is necessary; as a wheelchair driver with our Interfaith vans, we can assure you we will help you every step of the way.

help corner

While Interfaith’s number of wheelchair clients is steadily increasing, our number of wheelchair volunteers is decreasing, leaving our need at a critical high.

As a wheelchair driver you will receive:

  • One-on-one wheelchair training.
  • Assistance from an experienced wheelchair driver.
  • Access to online training for wheelchair transport.

If you are interested or would like more information, please call the Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County office at 262-365-0902 or stop by our office at 2374A W. Washington St., West Bend, WI.

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