33.4 F
West Bend

What makes St. Frances Cabrini a great school in West Bend, WI | By Samuel Wolfe

West Bend, WI – Hi. My name is Samuel, and I am an eighth grader at St. Frances Cabrini School. in West Bend, Wi.  I have been a student at our school for over nine years. Over those nine plus years at Cabrini I have learned this school is so much more than a building.

I may not have been excited to get up early in the morning, or leave the house to go to school, but I was always welcomed by a caring community, ever ready to be by my side when I needed it the most.

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Each morning, we would be greeted with a prayer reminding us to always keep God first.

The motto of our school is S for Service, F for Formation, and C for Catholic.

Service Cabrini is excellent at serving the community, and teaching us to serve each other. Each grade at our school has a different way of serving the community.

We have visited residents at Hawthorn Manor, created stocking stuffers, assisted the food pantry, and have made birthday bags for those in need. The eighth grade class also completes weekly service journals, in which every student offers volunteer service to the community.

In addition to ministering to the community, we are also taught to serve each other. Everyone in my class has known each other, and even the surrounding grades, for a long time, so there is tons of support for every student. It’s like a big family!

We can also get to know other grades through our big/little buddy program. When I was younger, I always loved talking with my big buddy, and now I look forward to getting to see my little buddy. It’s a great way for the older grades to connect with the younger grades, and to serve each other as well as those beyond our school doors.

Formation – We are also formed to be prepared for high school academically, and ready for
an adulthood in faith. For example, the math curriculum allows for up to two high school credits.

Our amazing teachers focus on helping us each grow academically wherever we are, all while stressing the importance of the faith as we continue on our journey.

We also have a wide variety of extracurricular activities, like forensics, math olympiads,
sports teams, robotics, chess club, choir, and ski club, to name a few. All of these
excellent opportunities help us go far in life.

Snow nun at St. Frances Cabrini

Catholic – Cabrini focuses on teaching and living out the faith. Not only do we have religion
class to teach us about God, but we have weekly Mass, we participate in the sacraments, and we even have opportunities to read at Mass.

Additionally, the priests come to visit the school and talk to the students, like a mini homily. We pray as a whole school daily, in the morning, at lunch, and at dismissal. We are also given the opportunity to live out our faith through our virtues program. Every month, we focus specifically on one virtue that we can practice during that month and live them out to the best of our ability.

All in all, Cabrini helps us serve our wonderful community and be formed by our exceptional curriculum, while also trying to keep God first in our everyday lives. As I prepare to walk out of the Cabrini doors one last time, I find myself so grateful for all of the opportunities provided to me, and I could not imagine a better place to learn than right here at Cabrini.

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