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West Bend

West Bend woman wins top prize during Russ Darrow Nissan free car giveaway | By David Amoroso

June 24, 2019 – West Bend, WI – Stacey Westerhausen of West Bend is one lucky lady as she walked away with a $16,000 check this month courtesy Russ Darrow Nissan of West Bend.

Darrow winner Stacey with $16,000 prize
Dave Hildebrandt, Sales Manager; Chris Loebl, Sales Professional; Glenn Leinen, General Manager of Russ Darrow Nissan of West Bend; Kynzie and Stacy Westerhausen; Alyssa Jacob, Sales Professional; and Jean Schroeder, Sales Professional

Westerhausen was one of 20,000 residents that received a post card with a qualification number. Upon visiting Darrow’s Nissan dealership, her number matched the winning number, qualifying her to win a 2019 Nissan Altima or $16,000.







Westerhausen selected the monetary prize and was presented with a check during the ceremony this month.

“My daughter brought the post card from the mailbox and I just had a feeling I should see if my number was a winner,” Westerhausen said. “Once I found I was a winner, I went to the Darrow Nissan dealership right away. I couldn’t believe I won the grand prize.”

At this time Westerhausen is not sure what she’s going to do with the money, but she’s excited thinking about what she can do.

Stacey winner of $16,000 from Russ Darrow Nissan

The Russ Darrow Nissan Dealership, 2665 W. Washington Street, opening in West Bend in March 2018.

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