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West Bend woman to participate in event to shine a light on organ transplants | By Megan Himm

January 20, 2020 – Heidi Prodoehl of West Bend was brought into the world of organ transplants in 2005 when she developed tumors from a genetic disorder and needed a new liver. Prodoehl was born with “a rare glycogen storage disease.”

Heidi Prodochal

After her transplant Prodoehl went to school for nursing and decided to help others in similar situations. She currently “works as an RN on the transplant unit at Froedtert Hospital; the same unit where she was once a patient. She has provided hope, care, and encouragement for her patients for the last 14 years.”

Heidi Prodochal

As an unfortunate side-effect of her anti-rejection medications Prodoehl is now in need of a kidney transplant. Click HERE for more details.

Heidi Prodochal

Coming up on January 25, the National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsin is hosting its annual Spotlight On Life, and Prodoehl is participating this year to help raise money and awareness for organ transplants.

The Dancing-with-the-Stars-type competition pairs supporters with professionals from Fred Astaire Dance Studios and gives them seven, one hour sessions. The pairs then show off their skills on the night of the gala.


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