32.8 F
West Bend

West Bend West JV2 bows to Cedarburg | By Claire Lemke

September 14, 2022 – Cedarburg, WI – West Bend West JV2 lost the first two sets to Cedarburg and won the third 26-24. The score for the first set was a close 25-19, and for the second set it was a reachable 25-18.


All in all, the Spartans did pretty well against the Bulldogs. Throughout the match libero, Amelia Dubey, had 35 total digs.  The Spartans are 1-2 and their next home match is on Tuesday, September 20 at 5:30 p.m.

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About the author: Claire Lemke plays for the West Bend West JV2 volleyball team as a middle hitter. 

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