March 4, 2019 – West Bend, WI – Rotary District 6270 which represents Rotary Clubs in Southeast Wisconsin received the Project Partnership Award from the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.
The award recognized partnerships between Rotary Clubs in southeast Wisconsin and other organizations (e.g., city governments, parks, schools, nature centers, environmental organizations, youth organizations, and many others) during the 2017-18 Rotary Year in planting Trees.
Trees were planted in response to the challenge from 2017-18 Rotary President Ian Riseley who asked Rotarians to plant a tree for every Rotarian in the world.
The West Bend Sunrise Rotary Club was responsible for funding and planting for around 100 trees at Regner Park and Lac Lawrann.
In total, Rotarians in District 6270 were responsible for planting nearly 6,800 trees, contributing over 3,000 hours of community service, and contributing over $162,000 for tree planting.
Thank You to the Rotarians in over 44 Rotary Clubs from our District who participated in this effort.