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West Bend

West Bend Sunrise Rotary clean up with Adopt a Highway Program




Sept. 10, 2017 – West Bend, WI – The stretch of Highway 45 from Paradise Drive to W. Washington Street has never looked better thanks to the volunteer spirit of the West Bend Sunrise Rotary

The local civic organization has signed up with WIDOT’s Adopt a Highway Program and bright and early on Saturday a handful of volunteers were busy digging through the high grass and collecting trash from the side of the road.

Some of the treasures included a vodka bottle (empty), a credit card, some Green Bay Packer paraphernalia, a shredded Bible and an array of Busch Light beer cans.

The West Bend Sunrise Rotary decided this was a worthy cause for a number of reasons including:

  • Reduce litter along Wisconsin’s highways
  • Build statewide support for the anti-litter and highway beautification programs
  • Educate the traveling public to properly dispose of litter
  • Enhance the environment and beautify Wisconsin’s roadsides
  • We love West Bend and Washington County

If you see some of the Rotarians be sure to tell them “thanks” for the hard work and helping make West Bend a great community.


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