31.8 F
West Bend

West Bend East/West High School senior athletic awards

West Bend,WI — The West Bend East and West Athletic Departments held events to pay tribute to senior student-athletes and announce winners of several awards.
East Male Pick Award Winner left to right: Tony Spaeth (former winner who presented the award) and Cutler Schmidt


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Carl Pick Memorial Award for Outstanding East Male Athlete: Awarded to the most outstanding senior male athlete at West Bend East: Cutler Schmidt (football, basketball, baseball)

Andy Pick Memorial Award for Outstanding West Male Athlete: Awarded to the most
outstanding senior male athlete at West Bend West: Connor Mirasola (wrestling) and Cole Mirasola (wrestling)

West Male Pick Award Winners left to right: Cole Mirasola, Ben Bast (former winner who presented the award), Connor Mirasola

Nancy & Alan Pick Award for Outstanding Female Athlete: Awarded to the most outstanding senior female athlete at West Bend East and at West Bend West
East: Natalie Nass (tennis, gymnastics, soccer, Dolphins)
West: Lindsay Sandleback (volleyball, softball)

West Female Pick Award Winner: Lindsay Sandleback
East Female Pick Award Winner left to right: Brittany Boyer (former winner who presented the award) and Natalie Nass

CLICK HERE to view the full list of award recipients.

Photo credits: WBHS

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