42.8 F
West Bend

West Bend School Board candidate pulls out of race. Primary still going forward

Jan. 17, 2018 – West Bend, WI – For the second time in two years a West Bend School Board candidate has pulled out of the race although a primary will still be held and their name will still be listed on the ballot.

Carl Lundin said he is withdrawing his candidacy.  Lundin declined to expand on a reason.

Because five candidates filed to run for two seats, a primary must be held. That is scheduled for Feb. 20, 2018.

The top four vote getters will advance to the April 3 Spring Election.

The names listed in ballot order for the Feb. 20 primary include Monte Schmiege, Chris Zwygart, Mary Weigand, Kurt Rebholz, and Carl Lundin.

In 2017 a similar incident happened in the West Bend School District when one of the seven candidates running for West Bend School Board bowed out.

Tina Hochstaetter announced she would not be part of the Spring election. However, her name still remained on the ballot.

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