44.9 F
West Bend

Making Way in West Bend at 2019 W. Washington Street | By Christa Weindorf

West Bend, WI – Where an old hairdressing salon once stood, next to Hankerson’s Bakery in West Bend, will now soon be an open lot ready for development.



American Construction Services is taking on the building demolition at 2019 W. Washington Street to pave the way for another new business to expand into West Bend.

American Construction Services

Devo Properties is the current property owner and donated approximately $5,000 worth of building materials to Habitat for Humanity including: a furnace, several appliances, shelving, and 200 lbs of wiring.

American Commercial Real Estate


  1. please dont destroy the home. remove it and keep it a home like i did years ago with my home. moving a home and relocating it is a wonderful accomplishment. i would enjoy doing it again. this home is much smaller than mine was. i would love to downsize and relocate in the country with a bit of land. Too large of home to take care of now at my age and health issues. great hunting land. 10.3 acres with stream. so peaceful here.

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