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West Bend

West Bend police make several arrests for OWI

July 17, 2017 – West Bend, WI – West Bend Police made the following three arrests for OWI between Thursday, July 13 and Sunday, July 16, 2017.

OWI – Deer Ridge Dr. at Valley Ave.
On July 13, 2017, at 10:45 p.m., a citizen reported a vehicle being operated by an intoxicated driver. A West Bend Officer located the vehicle and determined that the driver, a West Bend man, 38, was intoxicated. The male failed the standardized field sobriety tests and was arrested for OWI. There was fresh damage to the undercarriage of the vehicle. Officers were not able to determine where the damage occurred.

OWI  – 2100 Block W. Washington St
On July 15, 2017 at 1:27 AM., a West Bend Officer stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. The driver, a Town of West Bend man, 23,  was intoxicated. The male failed the standardized field sobriety tests, blew a .165% into a PBT, and was arrested for OWI.

OWI 2nd OFFENSE 1810 W. Washington St.
On July 15, 2017, at 11:29 PM, a West Bend Officer investigated a complaint of a driver sleeping in a vehicle in the drive thru of McDonalds. The officer determined the driver, a Town of Wayne man, 41, was intoxicated. The male failed the standardized field sobriety tests, blew a .189% into a PBT, and was arrested for OWI- 2nd Offense.

On July 16, 2017 at 9:27 AM., a West Bend Officer stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. The driver, a West Bend male, 28, was impaired and admitted to using marijuana just prior to being stopped. The male was arrested for OWI, Restricted Controlled Substance.

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