29.3 F
West Bend

West Bend Police investigating incident in Barton


Jan. 22, 2018 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend Police Department is currently investigating an incident in Barton.

Warrant Service
On 01-22-18 at about 4:20 p.m. the West Bend Police Department and the Washington Co. Sheriff’s Department, served a search warrant in the 1800 block of Barton Avenue.

Two suspects, a 32-year-old male and a 23-year-old female, were taken into custody on drug-related charges.

Investigation into this case is continuing.

District 7 alderman Adam Williquette represents Barton and said while he couldn’t release more details on the incident he did offer his support to West Bend police and Washington County Sheriffs.

“I have and will continue to give our public safety officers what they need to keep our community safe,” said Williquette. “I have the utmost faith in both our chiefs and know they are doing their best to keep West Bend safe.”

There was word from neighbors in Barton that the road was cordoned off and some explosive sounds were heard.

Police said they have no more information to release other than nobody was injured during the incident.

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