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West Bend

West Bend Plan Commission to review Kwik Trip traffic analysis for S. Main and Decorah

Oct. 3, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Tuesday’s agenda for the West Bend Plan Commission will lead off with a report from Kwik Trip.

The gas station/convenience store is looking to build a second location on the southwest corner of S. Main Street and Decorah Road in the spot formerly home to Walgreens.

During the Sept. 5 meeting, members of the Plan Commission expressed quite a few concerns including noise, traffic congestion and traffic patterns combined with the high volume of vehicles from the schools.

Tonight, two reports regarding a requested traffic study will be presented to the Plan Commission. One report is 20 pages and the other is 73 pages.

Spoiler alert, here’s the conclusion of the study: SUMMARY & CONCLUSION No intersection modifications are expected to be necessary to accommodate the proposed Kwik Trip development. All movements are expected to continue to operate desirably with the completion of Kwik Trip.

A portion of the findings regarding traffic patterns and traffic counts are below. The Plan Commission meeting gets underway at 6 p.m. at City Hall.

Dairy Queen Cake


  1. Some kind of traffic study needs to be done on Hwy 33 and University Dr. Traffis is coming east and west and then you have people waiting on University to get onto highway. Plus people turn off highway and make u turns with no signal light. Please pass this on.

    • I agree,almost every Kwik Trip has very dangerous locations,just can’t figure it out,in Fondy,the one downtown take a month of Sundays to exit,and that is if drivers are going to be courteous,the other on Scott Street,if you don’t know the goofy layout of street and islands,you will not enter,just wondering why they do this..

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