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West Bend

West Bend pilot receives prestigious Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award | By Bob Kuenzi

September 1, 2020 – West Bend, WI – West Bend pilot Larry Phillips has received the prestigious “Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award for 50 years of successful aviation.”

The award was presented at the Kettle Moraine EAA Chapter 1158 Educational Facility by FAAST team leader Jung Grossenbacher.

Larry Phillips

The Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award is the most prestigious award the FAA issues to pilots certified under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61. This award is named after the Wright Brothers, the first US pilots, to recognize individuals who have exhibited professionalism, skill, and aviation expertise for at least 50 years while piloting aircraft as “Master Pilots.”

Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award
A distinctive certificate and lapel pin is issued after application review and eligibility requirements have been met. Upon request, a stickpin similar in design to the lapel pin is also provided to the award recipient’s spouse in recognition of his or her support to the recipient’s aviation career.

Once the award has been issued, the recipient’s name, city and state will be added to a published “Roll of Honor”

To be eligible for the Wright Brothers MPA, nominees must meet the following criteria:
• Hold a U.S. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilot certificate. • Have 50 or more years of civil and military flying experience. ◦ Up to 20 years of the required 50 years may be U.S. military experience. ◦ The effective start date for the 50 years is the date of the nominee’s first solo flight or military equivalent. ◦ The 50 years may be computed consecutively or non-consecutively. • Be a U.S. citizen.

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