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West Bend

West Bend Park & Rec supervisor Nick Lemke returns to his old job

October 7, 2019 – West Bend, WI – An interesting scenario in the West Bend Parks Department as Nick Lemke resigned his position in late September to take a job in Green Bay… and now he’s back.

City Administrator Jay Shambeau said the City left the door open should Lemke ever decide he wanted to return and in less than two weeks Lemke came a knockin’ and the City gave him his old job back.

“It happened late last week and we were in the process of posting the position and we were able to bring him back,” said Shambeau.

Working through the Human Resources Department the City was able to reconnect Lemke with his benefits.

“As of today, Nick Lemke is our Recreation Supervisor,” said Shambeau.

Shambeau announced the ‘new hire’ during Monday night’s Common Council meeting.

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