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West Bend

West Bend set to observe Memorial day with parade, ceremony on May 30, 2022 | by James Maersch

West Bend, WI – West Bend will be observing Memorial Day on Monday, May 30, 2022, with two events.


The first event will be an early morning “pre-parade” which will tour cemeteries in the West Bend area to honor veterans buried there. Those wishing to participate are asked to meet on Sixth Avenue between Poplar and Chestnut Streets at 7:30 a.m. The “parade” will leave at 7:45 a.m. and will tour St. James, Pilgrim Rest, Union, Washington County Memorial Park, and Holy Angels Cemeteries.

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The West Bend Memorial Day Parade will step off sharply at 9:30 a.m. with Parade Grand Marshall WWII veteran Joe Zadra leading the way.
Joe Zadra
The parade will proceed north on Main Street to Hickory Street, turning west on Hickory to Sixth Avenue, then south on Sixth, reaching its final destination at the Old Courthouse Plaza at the corner of Walnut and Sixth Avenue.
The Memorial Day Ceremony will start at 10:30 a.m. with West Bend East educator Scott Mindel as Master of Ceremonies. The Reverend Adam Baker of West Bend Community Church will give the Invocation and Benediction. West Bend West High School sophomore Isabella Pescador will recite the Preamble to the Constitution. West Bend High School senior Madison Gieryn will recite the Gettysburg Address. West Bend West High School sophomore Kayla Dodge will recite the poem, “In Flanders Fields.” The keynote speaker will be retired police chief Kenneth Meuler.
Those wishing to attend are asked to bring their own chairs.
Troop 780 will be selling refreshments. In case of rain, the program will be held inside the Old Courthouse Museum.

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