53.8 F
West Bend

West Bend man arrested for 3rd offense OWI and headbutting an officer

Police in West Bend took a 42-year-old man into custody after he was spotted Sunday afternoon at 3:22 p.m in the 1400 block of Eder Lane striking a vehicle with his car. A neighbor said the West Bend man appeared to be intoxicated.

The man was located inside an apartment building, he refused the field sobriety tests and was arrested for his third offense OWI.

While at the hospital for the blood test the man became belligerent, caused a disturbance and damaged a wheelchair.

While trying to control the man, he head butted an officer. The man was placed in jail for third offense OWI, disorderly conduct, resisting an officer, battery to an officer, and criminal damage to property.

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