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West Bend

10U, 12U West Bend Lightening teams take 1st in Merrill Tournament | by Tom Thrash

July 28, 2021 – Merrill, WI – From July 23-25, all four West Bend Lightning teams participated in the 16th Annual Merrill Fastpitch Tournament at the Marc Complex in Merrill, WI.

Coach Tom Thrash said, “We had a fantastic weekend.  All games were held at the Marc Complex, which is very nice.”

Thrash said, “The tournament was run very well and the fields were in great shape – even with over 3 inches of rain on Friday night.”

The outcome is as follows:


10U team took 1st place.  Won 3 games on the final at bat.  “Those littles battled hard all weekend,” said Thrash.

12U team took 1st place and continue to rack up championships.

14U team took 3rd place, only stumbling to a tough Wausau team.

16U team took 2nd place, losing to Merrill 17U in the Championship game.

Overall the club was 18-2 on the weekend.  A strong showing for West Bend softball.



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