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West Bend

VIDEO | UPDATE | Overnight progress as West Bend Elevator adds 300,000-bushel corn bin

West Bend, Wi – Watching the progress, which seems to happen overnight, as West Bend Elevator on Hwy D in West Bend, Wi, has a new 300,000 bushel storage bin being built to the north of the store. The new build is just to the north (behind) the other large storage bin.

The project got underway a little more than a week ago. The video shows how work crews used about 30 jacks on the inside of the structure to raise a section.

Click BELOW and watch the video and take a quick look inside.

West Bend, WiWest Bend Elevator, 3434 Hwy D., in West Bend, WI, is expanding its capacity to serve more dairy customers. The locally owned business is constructing a new corn capacity bin that will add over 3000,000 bushels of storage space.

The addition will provide much-needed space for the growing farming community. It is also expected to positively impact the locally owned business and the farming community.



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Mike Otten is president of West Bend Elevator. “Worked started over the weekend and is expected to be completed in about a month, depending on weather.”

Wendy Wendorf

Otten said the addition was prompted following last year’s harvest. “We had been discussing this for about a year as farmers were just bringing in more. It was getting to be too hard for our customers to get the grain off the fields. There was constant waiting,” said Otten.

The bin, which is 90-feet wide, is about 20-feet in diameter larger in circumference than the bin next to it.

New grain bin under construction at West Bend Elevator

The project is expected to be completed over the course of the next month.

West Bend Elevator is a grainery, feed mill, and landscape business that has been in operation since 1947.


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