42.8 F
West Bend

West Bend East wrestling team gearing up for solid season By Allie Boettcher


Nov. 11, 2016 – West Bend, WI – West Bend East Wrestling has high hopes for a great season this year. The team will be adding four freshmen who have quite a bit of experience.

The team also has some veterans returning such as state qualifier, Bryce Henschel, and returning sectional qualifiers, Emmanuel Garrison, Kyle Yochem, and Jason Myrick.

The four incoming freshmen, Dan Ciriacks, Cayden Henschel, Evan Smith, and Damian Zapata are all former West Bend Wildcat Youth wrestlers, and they should be pushing for varsity spots.


Returning varsity starters are sophomore Cooper Schlosser, juniors Bryce Henschel and Kyle Yochem and seniors Emmanuel Garrison and Jason Myrick.

Wrestlers who have some great potential and would bring a new face to the varsity line up include junior Cody Hughes who had 20 wins on JV last year, sophomore Nathan Brockman, and senior Tyler Stadelmayer.


One challenge the team will face is losing seven varsity starters to graduation. These graduates were some key point scorers for the team and with them gone, it will allow several new wrestlers to step up and fill their shoes.

Oconomowoc, Slinger, and Wisconsin Lutheran, will provide the three most challenging conference duals.

West Bend East Wrestling is in the Wisconsin Little Ten conference and had a record of 10-16 in dual meets last year.

Coach Brent Henschel said, “This will be my second year as head coach at East and I look forward to continuing to build a culture of hard work, discipline, and sacrifice. We are going to focus on pushing the pace for six minutes and winning 3rd periods. Win or lose, we will leave it all on the mat and get better with every match.”

West Bend East’s first match is December 3 at Slinger High School.


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