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West Bend

West Bend Common Council to vote on sharpshooters to trim deer population

August 28, 2018  West Bend, WI – On Sept. 10 the West Bend Common Council will review a managed deer hunt for the 2018-19 season.

The city is targeting a reduction in deer numbers in an effort to reduce deer damage to habitat, property and car/deer collisions.

This is the second year the City is attempting to reduce the deer population. During an archery hunt at the end of December 2017 three hunters managed to kill three deer in a span of five days. Thirty-five pounds of venison was donated to the Full Shelf Food Pantry.

This year the Deer Management Committee will recommend to have licensed sharpshooters perform the hunt during the evening at Ridge Run Park and Lac Lawrann Conservancy. The hunt will be conducted while the parks are closed.






The sharpshooters are part of a cooperative service agreement with the USDA Wildlife Service. They will target the removal of 30 deer per park.

The financial plan for the managed hunt will not exceed $9,002.

The City is applying for a $5,000 Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement and Control grant to help offset the expense. Confirmation on whether West Bend receives the grant will be known in January.

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