44.9 F
West Bend

West Bend Common Council moves forward with Riverwalk West project

April 6, 2020 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend Common Council unanimously approved moving forward with plans for the Riverwalk West project. The $5.9 million plan was outlined Monday night by Park and Rec Director Mike Jentsch.

Phase I, estimated at $1.2 million, would begin July 2020 and be completed in fall 2020.

Phase II, estimated at $2.6 million, would begin in spring 2021 and be completed by fall 2021.

Phase III, estimated at $2.05 million.

Over the past several years $2.6 million has been raised for the project.

Riverwalk West plan

The east side of the Riverwalk cost $2.2 million and was completed in June 2019.

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