41.4 F
West Bend

REAL ESTATE | New $34M We Energies service center proposed in West Bend, WI

West Bend, Wi – We Energies has filed a proposal with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to build a new service center in West Bend, WI.


According to We Energies Brendan Conway, the new facility would replace the current facility in West Bend that was built in 1966 and needs significant, expensive upgrades.


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The new building would also house employees and equipment that are currently at the Port Washington Service Center.

The proposed new service center will provide customers streamlined operations and improved response times during outages while eliminating safety hazards for employees.

Project Details and Project Area Information

The Project Site consists of an approximately 19.5-acre parcel situated in the Wingate Creek Business Center. Of this total parcel, approximately 13 acres are in between Trenton Road (East) and Stockhausen (West), and the remaining 5.7 acres are in the southwest
corner of the Business Center. The Project Site is currently zoned as M-2 Industrial District and B-1 Community Business District.

The Project Site is located in the northeast area of the City, a community with a population of approximately 32,000. The Project Site is within Wingate Creek Business Center. The borders include the following: to the northwest is a Piggly Wiggly grocery store, to the west is Culligan of West Bend, to the southeast is the Comar West Bend Plant, to the east is
Americraft of West Bend and to the northeast is a BP gas station and a Valvoline Oil Change Center. Residential parcels are in the vicinity of the Project Site; however, they are buffered by the grocery store and Highway 33.

American Commercial Real Estate

Site work and construction are planned to begin in October 2025 pending Commission approval, with anticipated completion and occupancy by December 2026.

Key project milestones are outlined below:
 January 2024: Submit application
 November 2024: PSCW approval
 May 2025: Bid project
 June 2025: Award contracts
 June 2025: Permitting
 October 2025: Commence site work and construction
 November 2026: Complete construction
 December 2026: Relocate consolidated operations from WBSC
and PWSC

The existing WBSC and PWSC sites will remain operational until the new WBSC construction is complete, and occupancy is granted, at which time operations will be relocated and consolidated.

“We estimate the project will cost $34 million and see $110,000 in annual operation and maintenance savings compared to the other alternatives,” said Conway.

The filing with the state is below.

We Energies
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