32.6 F
West Bend

Weekend updates from Washington Co. Sheriff


On Friday March 4, 2016 at 10:28 pm, the Sheriff’s Office was notified of a vehicle that went partially airborne over the roundabout at the intersection of Cty P and Cty NN.  Just prior to the accident, the vehicle was reported to the Sheriff’s Office as all over the roadway and nearly struck the complainant.   The suspect vehicle, driving by a 52-year-old Sussex man, was southbound on Cty P when the vehicle stuck the roundabout with enough force to flatten two tires on the vehicle and cause it to become airborne.  The operator continued to operate the vehicle on two flat tires for approximately 1.5 miles until he stopped on the backside of St. Joseph’s Hospital near the loading docks.  St. Joseph’s Hospital Security Staff assisted the Sheriff’s Office at the scene and the driver was arrested for 2nd offense OWI after he failed sobriety testing.  A breath test was done which revealed the driver was over 3 times the legal limit of .08.  The Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the caller who continued to follow the suspect vehicle while remaining in constant contact with the Communications Center to ensure this dangerous driver was taken off the road.

16-8556   Suspicious

On Sunday, 3/6/16 at 11:30 pm, an area resident called the Sheriff’s Office reporting a male subject going through cars in the 800 block of Church St. in Allenton. Responding deputies were not able to locate the subject despite saturating the area with several deputies on foot.  During the investigation, it was determined that the suspect had gone through several cars that were unlocked in the area.  The responding deputies made contact with the car owners to inform them of the incident, and the owners did not believe anything was missing at that time. The only description of the subject was a thin build male wearing sweatshirt with his hood up and carrying a flashlight and a bag.

16-8266 – Huber Walkaway – Darren Edward Brookins M/W 09/09/68

The above subject had an eye appointment on Friday morning at 9:00 am in the City of West Bend that he failed to appear for and then subsequently never returned to jail.  A Deputy was able to make phone contact with the subject at about 4:30pm on 3/4/16 at which time he said he was on his way back to the jail.  He failed to return and a warrant was entered into the system for escape.  Mr. Brookins was serving a sentence on Huber for a Contempt of Court charge and an Order to Execute on that sentence.  His last known address is on E. Washington St. in the City of West Bend.  His possible destinations are West Allis or Colorado.  He should be operating a green 1996 Dodge Ram 1500 pick-up with a Wisconsin plate of LV2401.  Booking photo attached.


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