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Water rescue underway on Wallace Lake Road


June 14, 2018 –  UPDATE: At 2 p.m. a report from the scene indicates the Washington County Dive Team is still working to free the man who is reportedly trapped under water.

Please keep the family in your prayers.


A water rescue is currently underway on Wallace Lake.

The Newburg Fire Department is on scene. Fire trucks and rescue crews are parked at Walden’s Supper Club.

A dive raft from the Washington County Sheriff’s Department is on scene.

Early word is a man was using a lake weed cutter when it overturned on Wallace Lake in the Town of Trenton. That happened after noon.

Rescue crews are still on scene as of 1:30 p.m.

Other agencies responding according to Newburg Fire Department include Fillmore Fire Department, Waubeka Fire Department, Jackson Fire Department, West Bend Fire Department, Saukville Fire Department and Washington County Dive Team.

We’ll bring you more details as information becomes available.


Water safety history on Wallace Lake:

May 30, 2011 – Wallace Lake – A 64-year-old Waukesha man, William W. Nelson, was kayaking when the kayak overturned, victim was not wearing a PFD and swam toward a water trampoline where he went underwater.



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