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Water-Boat Survey results to be released this week by Big Cedar Lake Protection & Rehab District

May 26, 2020 – Big Cedar Lake, WI – Big Cedar Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District is going to review its water-boat survey results this week.  A copy of the Thursday, May 28, 2020 agenda is below along with some survey responses from a Summer 2019 questionnaire.


Big Cedar Lake survey meeting









The numbers listed below do not include the several written comments that were made by those responding to the survey.   Those will be dealt with at a later time. 828 surveys were sent out.  452 or 55% were returned. The  numbers in parentheses represent the gross numbers of responses to that particular option I response to the question.  The numbers in the second line after the question represent the total number of responses to the question, and also the number and percentage of responses that selected  “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” combined, or “Neutral “ or “Disagree”and “Strongly Disagee” combined.



  1. What best describes your BCLPRD residence?

Year-around  (327)   Full Time Summer  (70)  Summer weekend (51)

  1. How often do you boat in the summer on Big Cedar Lake?

Less than twice a week (156)  2 to 4 times a week (201)  More than 4 times a week (64)

  1. What type of use do you make of the lake?  Circle all that apply.

Power Boating (355)   Fishing  (224)  Sailing  (68)   Water Skiing   (165)

Kayaking/Canoeing  (272)  Swimming   (356)  Enjoying Nature/Watching the Waves  (265)


Boater Safety

  1. The lake has a crowding issue on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays in the summer


Strongly Agree (185)  Agree (120)  Neutral (60)  Disagree  (53)  Strongly Disagree  (30)

Total resp.(448) St.Agree/Agree 305 or 68%; Neutral 60 or 13%; Disagree/St.Disagree 83 or 19%

  1. There are safety issues on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays in the summer.

Strongly Agree (159)  Agree (139)  Neutral (61)  Disagree  (61 )  Strongly Disagree  (29)

Total resp.(449) St.Agree/Agree 298 or 66%; Neutral 61 or 14%; Disagree/St.Disagree 90 or 20%


  1. I refrain from using or reduce my use of the lake on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays in the summer due to the number of boats on the water.

Strongly Agree (125)  Agree (122)  Neutral (47)  Disagree  (84)  Strongly Disagree  (71)

Total resp.(449) St.Agree/Agree247 or 55%; Neutral 47 or 10%;Disagree/St.Disagree 155 or 35%


  1. The current speed restrictions of 10 mph max speed from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays should be expanded.

Strongly Agree (53)  Agree (50)  Neutral (104)  Disagree  (120)  Strongly Disagree  (125)

Total resp.(452) St.Agree/Agree103 or 23%;Neutral 104 or 23%;Disagree/St.Disagree245 or 54%


  1. There is a boating safety issue in the peninsula narrows (channel).

Strongly Agree (64)  Agree (121) Neutral (149)  Disagree (86)  Strongly Disagree  (29)

Total resp.(449) St.Agree/Agree185or 41%;Neutral 149 or 33%;Disagree/St.Disagree 115 or 26%


  1. The Water Safety Patrol activities on Big Cedar Lake should be increased.

Strongly Agree (48)  Agree (111)  Neutral (135)   Disagree  (91)  Strongly Disagree  (50)

Total resp.(435)St.Agree/Agree159 or 37%;Neutral 135 or 31%;Disagree/St.Disagree 141 or 32%


  1. The following Boater Safety issues need to be addressed?
    1. Speed Too Fast

Strongly Agree (78)  Agree (120)   Neutral (117)  Disagree  (84)  Strongly Disagree  (37)

Total resp.(436)St.Agree/Agree198 or 45%; Neutral 117 or 27%;Disagree/St.Disagree121 or 28%


    1. Dangerous Wakes  from Boats

Strongly Agree (116)  Agree (118)  Neutral (99)  Disagree  (77)  Strongly Disagree  (29)

Total resp.(439)St.Agree/Agree 234 or 53%;Neutral 99 or 23%; Disagree/St.Disagree 106 or 24%


    1. Towing/Skiing/Tubing


Strongly Agree (47)  Agree (114)  Neutral (152)  Disagree  (92)  Strongly Disagree  (38))

Total resp.(443)St.Agree/Agree161 or 36%;Neutral 152 or 34%;Disagree/St.Disagree 130 or 29%


    1. PFD (Personal Flotation Devices)

Strongly Agree  (36)  Agree (89)  Neutral (194)  Disagree  (90)   Strongly Disagree  (28)

Total resp.(437)St.Agree/Agree125 or 29%;Neutral 194 or 44%;Disagree/St.Disagree 118 or 27%



    1. Loud noise

Strongly Agree (12)  Agree (109)  Neutral (104)  Disagree  (77)   Strongly Disagree  (32)

Total resp.(442 St.Agree/Agree229 or 52%;Neutral 104 or 24%;Disagree/St.Disagree 109 or 25%

    1. Operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Strongly Agree (109)  Agree (128)  Neutral (121)  Disagree  (57)  Strongly Disagree  (22)

Total resp.(437)St.Agree/Agree237 or 54%;Neutral 121 or 28%; Disagree/St.Disagree 79 or 18%








Rental of Pier Slips by Riparian (Shoreline) Property Owners

  1. A riparian (shoreline) property owner should not be allowed to rent pier/boat slips to others.

Strongly Agree (187)  Agree (70)  Neutral (59)  Disagree  (64)   Strongly Disagree  (65

Total resp.(445)St.Agree/Agree 257 or 58%;Neutral 59 or 13%; Disagree/St.Disagree 129 or 29%


Temporary (until a parking space opens up) Closing the Gonring Drive Boat Launch on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from Memorial Day thru Labor Day when the Parking Lots off Gonring Drive are Full

  1. The BCLPRD should continue to enforce closing the Gonring Drive Boat Launch on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from Memorial Day thru Labor Day when the two parking lots off Gonring Drive are full.


Strongly Agree (201)  Agree (102)  Neutral (38)  Disagree  (33)   Strongly Disagree  (69)

Total resp.(443) St.Agree/Agree 303 or 68%; Neutral 38 or 9%; Disagree/St.Disagree 102 or 23%


  1. Non-riparian (shoreline) property owners who live in the District should be able to launch using the Gonring Drive Boat Launch on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from Memorial Day thru Labor Day when the Gonring Drive Launch is otherwise temporarily closed, provided they do not park in either of the two public parking lots off Gonring Drive.

Strongly Agree (178)  Agree (146)  Neutral (48)  Disagree  (35)   Strongly Disagree  (39)

Total resp.(446)St.Agree/Agree 324 or 73%;Neutral 48 or 11 %; Disagree/St.Disagree 74 or 17%







Environmental & Ecological Impacts

  1. The following environmental/ecological impacts to the lake caused by boat traffic are a concern to me:
    1. Large wakes eroding shorelines

Strongly Agree (119)  Agree (134)  Neutral (92)  Disagree  (69)   Strongly Disagree  (33)

Total resp.(447)St.Agree/Agree 253 or 57% Neutral 92 or 21%; Disagree/St.Disagree 102 or 23%


    1. Water clarity

Strongly Agree (143)  Agree (160)  Neutral (73)  Disagree  (48)   Strongly Disagree  (28)

Total resp.(452) St.Agree/Agree 303 or 67%; Neutral 73 or 16%; Disagree/St.Disagree 76 or 17%


    1. Destroying habitat


Strongly Agree (131)  Agree (157)  Neutral (84)  Disagree  (47)   Strongly Disagree  (31)

Total resp.(450) St.Agree/Agree 288 or 64%; Neutral 84 or 19%; Disagree/St.Disagree 78 or 17%


    1. Litter/Human Waste


Strongly Agree (220)  Agree (124)  Neutral (52)   Disagree  (34)   Strongly Disagree  (21)

Total resp.(451) St.Agree/Agree 344 or 76%; Neutral 52 or 12%; Disagree/St.Disagree 55 or 12%

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