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Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department COVID-19 update

Washington Co., WI –  The Safer at Home order was struck down by the Wisconsin Supreme Court on May 13, 2020.

  • If you choose to reopen your business, you are not in violation of Safer at Home or orders issued by the health department. At this time, the health department has not issued any additional orders, but is working with county leaders to identify appropriate next steps. Please refer to our Blueprint FAQ for guidance on how to responsibly reopen. Email covid19@washozwi.gov if you have any other questions.


This information can be found on the Health Department’s online dashboard

After significant deliberation and research, the Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department has determined it is in the best interest of the public to make this information available. Our goals are to protect the health of our residents by sharing the most accurate information, slow the spread of COVID-19 and promote a culture of transparency and honesty.





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