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Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department COVID-19 update

Washington Co., WI – The Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department will release zip codes of positive cases and names of long-term care facilities or organizations with COVID-19 outbreaks.

This information can be found on the Health Department’s online dashboard


Wash/Oz Covid June 5, 2020


After significant deliberation and research, the Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department has determined it is in the best interest of the public to make this information available. Our goals are to protect the health of our residents by sharing the most accurate information, slow the spread of COVID-19 and promote a culture of transparency and honesty.








“The intention of our orders and the release of this information is to help us return to normal life as quickly as possible,” said Health Officer Kirsten Johnson.

The Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department believes people have a right to know where outbreaks are concentrated in order to protect themselves and their loved ones from exposure to the virus. Additionally, long-term care facility staff and management should be aware of outbreak locations to make appropriate staffing decisions, especially if staff work at more than one facility. Individuals that may attend religious services as a guest or non-member, where they otherwise may not be informed through communication to regular members, should be made aware of possible exposure as well. Finally, we ask organizations and businesses to be forthcoming with their employees and clients when there is a positive case among them to help slow the spread of COVID-19.



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