47.7 F
West Bend

Washington County Trail Sharks wrap up successful season | By Julie L Willmas

October 30, 2019 – Washington Co., WI  – The season for the Trail Sharks has come to an end with the State Race on the Trek Trails in Waterloo for the mountain bike team.
Trail Sharks
With the course being muddy and technical, the athletes were excited to race.  The race course was filled with fans, as the 850+ riders slid up and down the slick hills and turns.
The Washington County Trail Sharks did not give up as they raced to an 11th place finish for the season.
The team was lead this season by medalists Kendra Schmitt (Kewaskum) 1st place, Mike Spangenberg (West Bend) 4th place, and Anja Lanser (West Bend) 1st place.
Congratulations on a great season!

Medalists for their state race….Trail Sharks

Kendra Schmitt (Kewaskum) 2nd

Anja Lanser (West Bend) 1st

Top 10 in their age group…

Gabe Rogaczewski (Slinger) 9th

Fiona Shaw (West Bend) 10th

Mike Spangenberg (West Bend) 7th

Other team athletes…

(1 lap)-

Aiden Schubert (West Bend) 27thTrail Sharks

Nate Sajdak (West Bend) 45th

Brandon Paulson (Slinger) 81st

Kira Zechlin (West Bend) 14th

Ayla Abraham (West Bend) 29th

Shiri Zechlin (West Bend) 43rd

(2 laps)-

Lexi Schubert (West Bend) 17th

Will Mauney (West Bend) 12th

Christian Spaeth (West Bend) 21st

RJ Goldberg (Hartford) 22nd

Gabe Kebbekus (Slinger) 44th

Carson Phillips (Slinger) 46th

(3 laps)-

Nick Skaalen (Hartford) 33rd

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