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Washington County Sheriff’s Office Receives Grant For Drone From WalMart Giving | By Washington County Sheriff

July 1, 2019 – Washington County, WI – [The Washington County Sheriff’s Office] is excited to announce that they have received a grant from Walmart Giving. The grant was used to purchase a mission specific drone that will mainly be used by the Crash Reconstruction Team. This drone will expedite the documentation of accident scenes and reopen roadways for the public more quickly than older technology. Reducing road closure times also significantly lessens the chances of secondary crashes. Additionally, this drone also has the specific capability of taking high quality night time photos without external light sources.

Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis stated, “I would like to publicly thank Walmart for their generous contribution to public safety in Washington County. This illustrates how partnerships between public and private entities can enhance the quality of life for Washington County residents without expending taxpayer dollars.”

Photo courtesy: Washington County Sheriff’s Department, Wisconsin

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