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West Bend

Washington County Sheriff investigating Thursday crash on Hwy 60 off ramp

February 7, 2020 – Jackson, WI – The Jackson Police Chief said the 22-year-old West Bend man who crashed his vehicle at Highway 45 and the Highway 60 off ramp on Thursday afternoon is listed in critical condition at a Milwaukee hospital.

Adrian Jollie WCI

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Chief Ryan Vossekuil said charges against Adrian Jollie are still pending.

Police said the vehicle Jollie was driving exited onto the off-ramp for State Highway 60 at a high rate of speed and crashed into a guardrail on the off-ramp.

The driver suffered serious injuries as a result of the crash. He was transported by the Jackson Fire Department to Froedert West Bend, and subsequently flown by Flight for Life to Froedert Milwaukee.

There had been a warrant out for Jollie’s arrest.

The crash remains under investigation by the Washington County Sheriff’s Department.


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