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Washington County Sheriff investigating suspicious vehicle in Town of Barton

February 7, 2020 – Town of Barton, WI – The Washington County Sheriff’s Department is following up on a complaint from a woman in the Town of Barton who said a suspicious vehicle pulled into her driveway early Friday morning, February 7.

According to the homeowner two men jumped out of the SUV and started pounding on the door to her home.

Two men crawled out of the way back of the truck and came to my door…they didn’t ring the doorbell but just kept knocking on the door.   After standing there for 2-3 mins they finally left but it was very strange how the other 4 men sat in the car and watched the 2 men at the door.   I had the RING cameras on but I cannot make out the license plate but one man was older, one was younger and they were both wearing black pants and longer jackets.   I would advise any women who are home alone not to answer the door.  Back windows are all tinted on the SUV.

The incident happened at 10:20 a.m. in a rural area near Highway D and Tower Drive in the Town of Barton.

Highway D and Tower Drive in Town of Barton


This is a working story and more details will be posted as information becomes available.


  1. I live on Tower Dr also. They stopped by my house…. same vehicle…etc. Just the Jehovah Witness people . No reason to worry !

  2. These same men in the same vehicle came to my home near Barton on Friday morning as well! I wasn’t home, but my boyfriend was. He did not answer, as the men were already going back to their vehicle by the time he could get to the door.

  3. Jehovah’s witnesses or not this is suspicious and I don’t believe it is right. I’d have called the police in this situation because they look so suspicious and unprofessional. I’d have had a gun in my hand while calling the police/professionals to handle this situation.

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