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VIDEO | United Way of Washington County Food & Hygiene Drive is September 22, 2021

Washington Co., WI – The United Way of Washington County is encouraging businesses and organizations to mark their calendar for the Food and Hygiene Drive on September 22, 2021 at Washington County Fair Park.

Volunteers will gather from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and help collect donations. This is a drive-thru service. All donations will remain local and benefit needy families across Washington County.

United Way food drive

In 2020 over 5,000 pounds of food were collected. “This year we’re throwing down a challenge and would love to see the community step up and donate over 10,000 pounds of food and hygiene products.

United Way

United Way, hygiene

“Let’s work together to make a difference for our neighbors in need,” said Kristin Brandner, executive director of United Way of Washington County.

United Way

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