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VIDEO | Record prices at Washington County Fair Jr. Livestock Auction | By Katelyn Dei and Laure Dei

Washington Co., WI – Top prices bid at the 2023 Washington County Fair Jr. Livestock Auction. “Prices were really generous,” said Steve Janz superintendent of the Meat Animal sale committee. “It was a record sale for us, and we had over 150 bidders and just a great night for the kids.”

On July 27, 2023 the Washington County Junior Livestock Auction at the Washington County Fair raised $478,187 for youth livestock exhibitors, making it the highest grossing sale in fair history.

Washington County youth livestock exhibitors sold 126 market beef, sheep and swine animals during the three-hour sale for an average price of $5.50 per pound, $10.57 per pound and $8.12 per pound, respectively.

Seventy-one local businesses supported the auction in 2023, with multiple businesses
purchasing more than one animal. Mr. Hand Pay is commended with purchasing the 1,430
pound Grand Champion Market Steer for $14 per pound; Bunzel’s Meat Market for purchasing the 131-pound Grand Champion Market Lamb for $22.50 per pound and A to Z Quality Fencing for purchasing the 266-pound Grand Champion Market Hog for $22.50 per pound.

Bidders and buyers were welcomed to the fair with discounted entry tickets, priority parking and a pre-sale dinner by Catering by Bryan, Inc. of West Bend, organized by volunteers of the Washington County Junior Livestock Sale Committee.

Junior Livestock Exhibitors work year-round to bring their animals to exhibition at the
Washington County Fair. In cooperation with the Washington County Junior Livestock Sale
Committee, the Washington County Animal Science Association, local 4-H clubs and FFA
chapters facilitate various animal husbandry and meat quality assurance educational
opportunities for exhibitors to produce the highest quality protein for the food supply. Exhibitors utilize money earned from the sale of their animal to support future years’ projects or invest in college and career education.

Businesses who purchased livestock from the sale enjoy a high-quality meat product available for use in their own homes, or to provide as gifts for employees or company events. The Washington County Junior Livestock Sale Committee encourages community members to support the following local businesses who support Washington County 4-H and FFA youth:
Washington County Junior Livestock Sale Committee
PO Box 519
Allenton, WI 53002

For more information about the Washington County Youth Livestock program and the Junior
Livestock Auction, visit www.washingtoncountyyouthlivestock.com.
Authors: Katelyn Dei and Laure Dei

Below are prices from the 2022 auction.

The beef sale saw a top bid of $9 a pound which went to Tessa Smith with the Richfield Rebels and her Overall Grand Champion Hereford. Cedar Lake Sales bid $5.25 a pound for Allison Loosen’s 1,255-pound steer and Albiero Plumbing picked up a 1,340-pound steer from Marquerite Bartelt with Kewaskum FFA.


livestock auction Showing at the Jr. Livestock Auction at the Washington County Fair
Morrie's job posting

Tyler Strupp fair
Tyler Strupp won Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion hog at the Washington County Fair

The hog sale pulled in some strong bids with Tyler Strupp and Slinger FFA secured a $25 and $20 a pound for his Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. Bob’s Main Street Auto brought home a nice 250-pound pig raised by Rachel Etta with Kewaskum FFA; it was the 4th Overall Champion. See the final bidding list below.


The sheep sale saw prices top out at $30 a pound as Allison Loosen from Slinger FFA shows her 136-pound Overall Grand Champion. Tommy Schwai from Schwai’s Meat and Sausage takes home the 112-pound sheep from Paige Jambura with Hi-Lite Happy Workers.


sheep prices

The final total on the night in sales for the Jr. Livestock Sale was $438,552.75.

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