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Washington County Fair Exhibitor Tribute

Washington Co., WI – Calling all 2020 Washington County Fair Exhibitors….

Fair Exhiitor tribute

The Washington County Fair would like to run a tribute to our amazing exhibitors during the week the Fair was scheduled, July 21-26.

The showcase will run by department.

Vintage Washington County Fair

If you would like to participate, the details are as follows:

~ It can either be a picture with a caption or a 30-second-or-less video showcasing yourself and the project you were working on for the 2020 Fair.

~Participating in this will not disqualify your project for the Washington County Fair in 2021 as it is not being judged, just showcased.

exhibitors at Washington County Fair



~The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2020 by 4:30 p.m.

~Submissions can be uploaded via google forms by clicking HERE

~ A link for submissions can also be found on our website under the exhibitors page.

~Any questions? Call 262-677-5060 or email info@wcfairpark.com



WashingtonCountyInsider.com will assist the first five students who reach out with a 30-second video submission.  Email request to judy@washingtoncountyinsider.com

Please note in the subject line “Fair video request.”


Property loss management



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