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Washington County Drug Treatment Court to celebrate first graduation on July 15 | By Judge Todd Martens

 Washington Co., WI – Washington County Drug Treatment Court (DTC) will hold its first graduation of a DTC participant on July 15, 2021 at 2 p.m.

DTC is held in Branch 3 of the Washington County Circuit Court, 484 Rolfs Avenue, West Bend, WI.

drug court

Click HERE to read about the high school student who designed the logo for DTC

Started in early 2020, Washington County DTC aims to help individuals with serious substance abuse problems who have been convicted of non-violent offenses improve their lives and stay out of prison.

DTC participants are on probation and agree to 15 or more months of DTC as a condition of probation and/or to avoid revocation of their probation (which would result in immediate incarceration).

DTC consists of 5 phases, during which participants are subjected to multiple random, observed drug tests every week, along with curfews and random curfew checks.  Participants must participate in and complete all treatment required by treatment providers and case managers.

They also report to Court on a regular basis where the Judge discusses with them their progress in DTC.  Positive behaviors and progress are rewarded, while rule violations are sanctioned.

United Way

The goal is to offer support and access to treatment, while holding participants accountable for compliance with the rules of DTC.  Research shows that DTC participation helps participants get sober and stay sober.  Sober people stay out of prison.  They work.  They are good parents.  They don’t steal.  They improve their lives, and help maintain the great quality of life enjoyed by Washington County residents.

Washington County DTC is a collaboration among the Washington County Courts, Human Services Department, Elevate, the District Attorney, Sheriff’s Department, State Public Defender, State Department of Corrections and UW-Milwaukee at Washington County.

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