53.4 F
West Bend

Washington County couple in their fourth year of making donations to King Veterans Home

Nov. 16, 2017 – Allenton, WI – Ron and Ann Naab of Allenton are attempting to make another donation run to the Veterans Assistance Program at King on Friday of Thanksgiving weekend.

“This drive is for our guys in the Homeless Veterans Rehab Center in the OVE House,” said Ann Naab.

“These guys are on a road to get their lives back on track and need many basic necessities of life,” Ron said.

King Veterans Home is located south of Waupaca, Wisconsin. It is home to 700 residents with a staff of 500 nursing and 300 support staff.

It is fully self-sustaining with its own water system, fire department and much more.

The Veterans Housing and Recovery Program is located in the “old hospital” which provides residence for 25 to 27 men at a time.

This is the fourth year the Naabs, in conjunction with the American Tribute Ride, have conducted donation drives to help those men looking for a better life.

Other items accepted include books, slightly used women’s and men’s clothing for the general population and King Veterans Center.

The Naabs usually hold a donation drive Memorial Day weekend and at Thanksgiving.

“We picked Thanksgiving weekend to show our veterans we are thankful for their service,” said Ron.

The Naabs are looking to have all donated items at their house by Wednesday, Nov. 22 to pack their trailer and pickup truck for the trip.

Following is a list of items that would be helpful to the men at the center:



Laundry soap,

Dish soap,

Floor cleaner,

Bath towels,

Wash clothes,

Shower Soap


Underarm deodorant

Shaving Cream

Denture Cleaning Tablets



Winter jackets [m-xxl]

Disposable razors

Non-alcoholic beverages



Coffee creamer,

Cans/jar of fruit

Cans of vegetables


Sugar packets.


Men’s Underwear [briefs/boxers]


American Tribute Ride is also accepting monetary donations as well. If you wish to write a check, make in care of—American Tribute Ride or Veterans Assistance Foundation, both are 501.(3) foundations.

You may contact us at 262-629-9749 or rjnaab@frontier.com.  We are accepting these items at our house in Allenton.

American Commercial Real Estate


United Way



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