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Host family named for June 11, 2022 Washington County Breakfast on the Farm

Washington Co., WI – The 2022 Washington County Breakfast on the Farm host for this year is Dornacker Prairie Acres, 5055 Cedar View Drive. The farm with a robotic milking system is located in the Town of Addison.

This will be an encore performance for the Dornacker family as it hosted Breakfast on the Farm in 1993 when Leo and Pat Dornacker were running the farm.

Dornacker breakfast









Mike Strupp with the Dairy Promotions Committee said they will be back to serving a full breakfast this year. “The Dairy Destination drive-thru worked well last year but the Dornacker family and the Dairy Promotions Committee both agreed to hosting a traditional Breakfast on the Farm,” said Strupp.

Final details on pricing and online ticket availability will be forthcoming.

Breakfast farm

A bit of history on the 350-acre Dornacker Prairie Acrea farm includes a family business that was passed down through generations.

John Dornacker is credited with settling the family homestead in 1863 after he came to America from Prussia. He started farming and raising dairy cattle and then passed it along to his son Peter who later passed the farm to his son George.

farm, cow

In 1952 George set a new precedent as he built one of the first Harvestore Silos in the area. He also set up a pipeline milking system in 1962.

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In 1973 George and his wife, Eleanor, sold the farm to their sons, Ralph and Leo.

Ralph and Leo built a double 6 milking parlor in 1980 and increased their herd size to 80 Holsteins. In 1978 they built a slurry store and drying bin.

In 2000 Leo retired and Ralph’s son Allen purchased Leo’s half interest in the farm and formed Dornacker Prairie Acres LLC with his dad.

In 2004 they built a 58 X 100 heifer barn and increased the herd to 100 cows.

In 2008 they built a solar calf barn and added onto the machine shop.

In 2013 they purchased an additional 192 acres from a neighboring farmer.

Breakfast on the farm

In 2018 a three Lely A5 robotic milking facility was built by Allen with his wife Nancy and their four children. The three-row 70 X 440 expandable free stall facility milks about 170 and houses heifers. Dornacker Prairie Acres LLC milks about 240 cows, owns 350 acres, and rents an additional 650 acres.

This is a working story, and more information will be added when details become available.

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