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Washington County Board candidates pull/file papers for April 2018 election

Dec. 27, 2017 – Washington, Co., WI – There will be several incumbents on the Washington County Board that will be facing challenges come the April 2018 election.

All 26 seats on the board are up and some of the highlights include:

-County Board Chairman and District 16 Supervisor Rick Gundrum has filed a notification of non-candidacy. Gundrum took first place in the Dec. 19 primary for Assembly Rep. in District 58. Gundrum has another special election ahead on Jan. 16, 2018 where he will face Democrat Dennis Degenhardt.

-Other supervisors who have filed non-candidacy include Dist. 7 Jeffrey Geib, Dist. 9 Gerald Schultz, Dist. 10 Mike Otten, Dist. 14 Raymond Heidtke, Dist. 23, Daniel Goetz, and Dist. 26 Dawn Eyre.

-Dist. 4 appears to be a popular seat as Mike Miller has also filed non-candidacy. Three people have taken out papers and two of the candidates, Chris Jenkins and Randy Koehler, have already turned in nomination papers and valid signatures. Jenkins and Koehler have squared off before in the Dist. 4 on the West Bend Common Council. The third potential candidate is Robert Olson; he ran for Washington County Circuit Court Judge last year against Todd Martens and lost.

– A couple other contested seats include Justice Madl who declared candidacy against Dist. 1 incumbent Kristine Deiss. Madl has also taken out papers to run for the Dist. 7 aldermanic seat in West Bend vs. incumbent alderman Adam Williquette.

-Ralph Hensel has taken out papers in Dist. 3 to face incumbent Christopher Bossert.

-Richard Bertram and Kara Guse have both pulled papers for Dist. 9. Incumbent Gerald Schultz isn’t running. Both Bertram and Guse have yet to turn in valid signatures.

-William Blanchard has pulled papers to run against Dist. 11 incumbent Michael Parsons. That seat represents the Town of Farmington/Kewaskum area.

-Marcella Bishop and Andrew Jones have both turned in valid signatures and will be vying for the seat in Dist. 14 that’s being vacated by Raymond Heidtke.

-Dist. 20 Supervisor Mark McCune may have a challenger in Ryan Lippert. Both have yet to turn in signatures.

All of the paperwork submitted so far to the County Clerk as of Dec. 21, 2017 is posted below.


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