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Washington Co. Sheriff’s Department fielding calls about cars towed Monday on I-41. So far nobody called about a stolen vehicle.

March 15, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – It’s only Wednesday and it’s already been quite the week for emergency crews, dispatchers and local law enforcement. Mother Nature threw a late-season snowstorm into the mix on Monday and as of Tuesday night crews were still working to haul semi trailers out of the median on I-41.

There have also been several people on Milwaukee radio who complained they were unable to find their vehicles after having them towed from the scene Monday.

In an effort to keep people warm and safe local law enforcement shut down the Interstate Monday and encouraged people to board a bus to take them to Slinger High School. Their cars would then be towed and people could pick them up at Pioneer Plaza.

During the Tuesday afternoon show on 102.9 The Hog one of the show hosts talked about getting caught in the traffic mess on I-41. He also mentioned not being able to find his vehicle which was towed from the scene. Another person, Mike, called in with a similar story.

Checking Tuesday night with the Washington County Sheriff’s Department, they confirmed they had not received any calls about a stolen vehicle.

“We are finding a lot of vehicles were towed from the scene and we keep a log and so far nobody has reported any vehicles stolen,” said Sgt. Scott Hanson.

Multiple tow companies were on scene Monday.  “We’ve had people call and ask us if we know where their vehicle is and we point them to the correct companies,” he said.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Department encourages people who are still looking for their vehicle to give them a call at 262-335-4378.

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