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Washington Co. Sheriffs capture sneaky beagle in Town of Jackson

Jan. 16, 2017 – Town of Jackson, WI – A Washington County Sheriff’s deputy was dispatched to the 2700 block of Sherman Road in the Town of Jackson on Sunday at 1:48 p.m. for a report of a small dog running around the complainant’s property.

According to the complainant the dog, reported to be a beagle, was last seen that morning and was possibly in a barn located on the property.

The deputy arrived and was able to locate the dog inside the barn. After a very brief foot chase, the K9 was taken into protective custody. A Jackson Police Office heard the deputy provide the description and recognized it as a missing dog from the Village of Jackson. The sneaky little dog apparently chewed through the leash and went AWOL about two weeks ago.

The Jackson Officer made contact with the owner who responded to the scene to retrieve the hound.

Thank you to the Facebook poster that brought this to our attention.



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